Wednesday, January 1, 2014

2014 - Goals, Anticipations, and Resolutions

Woot! It's 2014! :-)

Here's a short list of what I'm looking forward to in the new year, as well as some resolutions.

Adulthood! In two months (and a few days) I will be 18 years old - and thus, an official adult. This doesn't really mean anything to me in terms of privileges, but it means so much in terms of responsibilities. The obvious one is that I'll be old enough to vote (which I guess is a privelege, as well as a responsibility), which I am super excited for. But I know that there will be other responsibilities that I haven't even considered.

College! Yup. In September, I will be going to some school (as yet, undecided) to get a college degree. Almost as exciting as becoming an adult. Actually, it's possibly more so.

Rome! (Hopefully.) There are tentative plans for our family to take a trip to Rome - which I have longed to do for quite some time. It'll be possibly in late May, hopefully before the main of the tourist season hits.

Sherlock! New season! Woot!

Writing! I'm really going to try to write at least 400-500 words a day. Let's see how this goes - and if I actually stick to this resolution. :-)

Reading Challenges! Here are the one's I've signed up for:

Happy New Year!


What are you looking forward to in 2014? What are some of your goals and resolutions?

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