Monday, May 19, 2014

1 Year Blogoversary!

So, wierdly enough, I realized I forgot to post this on Saturday. I had it all written, I just forgot to click "Publish." Yay me. Forgetting my own blogoversary.
Oh well, what's a few days. So here it is, my little commemorative blogoversary post.

Wow, it's really been a year since I started this blog. That's just mind blowing. It's been a fantastic experience and I have no intention of quitting anytime soon! :-) LOOKIE I have fifteen followers! (That's counting the email ones.)

But of course, May isn't exactly the best time for blogoversaries - it's finals time, and I haven't really had time to plan anything exciting to celebrate. So instead, I thought I'd look back on my favorite and most popular posts of all time, and then talk about what I'm planning to do this next year with the blog.

Looking Back
My Favorites (in no particular order):

1. The Real Mr. Darcy Why is every girl's dream to meet "her Mr. Darcy"? He's not exactly that dreamy of a husband.

2. The Island of Doctor Moreau. For some reason I just loved writing this review.

3. Mondegreens! Know what they are? This post was one is a series of fun adventures into weird literary terms.

Most Popular (with #1 having most views):

1. Shakespeare's Language - my tips and tricks on reading Shakespeare for the Classic Club's Shakespeare month in January. I'm crediting Google search with the high stats on this one!

2. Top Ten Tuesday: Books on my Spring TBR. And so far, I've only read two. This list is being shifted to summer!

3. Are Abridged Books Bad? What do you think?

Looking Ahead

Some plans for the future:

I will be getting a Twitter account for this blog, and possibly a Facebook page. I'd also love to get a Goodreads, so we'll see.

I would also love to do a giveaway, but I'm still a little shy.

And finally, I'd like to host my own challenge or readalong at some point. They look like fun!

Whether you're new, or have been with me for the whole year, thanks for hanging out with me in my little corner of the internet. Onward, to greater, crazier, nerdier adventures! :-)



  1. Congratulations, Sophia! I have so enjoyed reading your posts! You have a refreshing spirit and style. Again, have a wonderful trip and I look forward to a new year of interesting posts on your blog.

    (BTW, I had a chuckle about you forgetting your anniversary …… it sounds like me …… :-D )

    1. Thank you so much!! I love your blog too :)


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(YES! I LOVE TAGS and I do them! So tag away! But no bloggerly awards, though, like the Liebster or the Sisterhood of World Bloggers. Thank you!)