Tuesday, November 26, 2013

Top Ten Tuesday: What am I Thankful For?

Top Ten Tuesday is hosted over at The Broke and The Bookish.
Today's topic is: Things I am Thankful For, since (American) Thanksgiving is this Thursday. We've got snow here in Chicago... and Christmas songs on the radio. Um.... too early?
(Can I make a confession? I've been listening to the channel with the Christmas carols occasionally. Shhh... don't tell my sister - she would scoff at me. She thinks it allowable to listen to carols only about a week or so before Christmas - and by no means before Thanksgiving!)

Note, this list is not in order of importance! :-D

1. My mother. Firstly, because she is awesome and fabulous, and is helping me so much with college apps! Secondly, because she started me reading early. She blames herself for causing me to get glasses early (because she started me reading so early), but I tell her, "I'd rather have glasses, and be the reader than I am, than not have glasses, and not adore books as much as I do."
Mama, I now absolve you of your guilt!

2. My friend, for starting me writing stories. I never thought I could actually write those stories that I loved to read so much until I was eight years old and saw my friend's story notebook in her car as we carpooled to ballet. It blew my mind. That was when I first realized - "I can be an author!"

3. Books, of course! I don't know what I would do without them. I know I'd be extraordinarily bored - I'd also probably be a completely different person.

4. My dad. For also being awesome and fabulous, and supporting me in everything. For the last week or so, he's asked to see my NaNoWriMo stats graph every evening. Even though I am really behind. (I think he'll be more disappointed than I will, if I don't win. Which makes me want to win even more!)

5. My sister. Woo! I love her. She is my best friend. And I am so glad she is my sister and that we share a room - we get to talk late into the night and have very deep philosophical discussions (as well as completely crazy nonsensical ones). <3 <3

6. All of my friends. I am the luckiest person to have such awesome friends. Occasionally it hits me just how great my friends are and I sit in awe for a few minutes. Seriously.

7. The opportunity to home-school. It's been amazing and though I'm excited to start college, I'll forever be grateful for my homeschooling experiences.

8. Having the chance to go to Costa Rica last summer. Nuff said. :-)

9. Libraries! Free books, for heaven's sake. And not just books - the library in the next suburb over has the best collection of DVDs ever!

10. Car radios. Even if in the beginning of the car ride I'm feeling too cold or grumpy to sing along, I always end up belting out the songs at the top of my voice at some point! It's even better if no one's in the car because then I can (attempt to) harmonize. When I (attempt to) harmonize I sound like I'm intentionally singing out of key. Not pretty. :-P

Wishing everyone a fantastic Thanksgiving!
What are you thankful for?



  1. Most of my list items were friends too. Husband and I do have kids yet, but the closer we get to them, we debate home schooling. It's looking more and more appealing.

    I didn't stick to completely bookish things, but here's my TTT.
    Sandy @ Somewhere Only We Know

    1. Homeschooling's super fun (though definitely not for everyone). Good luck!

      Thanks for stopping by!


  2. My husband and I are flying into Chicago next week. We're a little afraid of how cold we are going to be, since we live in the hot, dry desert (Phoenix area). Ack!

    Nice list, BTW. I'm thankful for many of those things as well.

    1. Wow, Phoenix - yeah, that's going to be a huge temperature change. Though I think it's going to be a little warmer next week - in the 40s. (I don't suppose that's warm for you...) :-P
      Just be prepared with a puffy coat and gloves!

      Glad you enjoyed my post!



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