Monday, February 1, 2016

January // My sister has a blog! And I'm in Denmark!

Hiiiii!! *waves from Denmark*

January was a BIG month. I moved half way across the world, guys. DENMARK. I've been here for two and a half weeks and I don't think it's hit me yet. Ask me next month about this time and I mayyy just be freaking out. But not yet.

I'm living in a homestay with a host family, and they are lovely and have a lovely cat who is my new best friend. I won't write a lot about it here because I tell you all about it over at Seeking Souls, my travel blog.

But I WILL say that one of the classes I am taking is Scandinavian Crime Fiction and it is my favorite and we are reading the FREAKIEST and BEST crime novels. So prepare yourself for a lot of reviews in that genre. Ooooooh let me tell you it's the greatest thing to walk through foggy Copenhagen with your classmates muttering things to each other like: "But if he IS the murderer, then he'd have to know that SHE was cheating on her husband so he could have left the NOTE." It's epic.

Also, I found some great bookstores in downtown Copenhagen that sell loads of English books and YA too! I'm so excited. I haven't bought anything. though, so no haul this month. :-(

(photos link to instagram)
(Also, the picture with the postcards won me 50 kroner (~$8 USD) in a hashtag competition so that was nice!)
(Also, if you'd like a postcard, let me know!)

Aila @ One Way or An Author talks about the trend to make book boyfriends immortal (and old).

Cait @ Paper Fury now has a Society6 shop! It's awesome! (My personal favorite is the How To Be Happy instructions.)

My sister Dionna finally started a blog - Kitchen Whimsy! It's not about books, but it is about food and funny stories and awesomeness, which is basically just as good, so head on over. (It also has photos that will make you want to eat your computer.)

{I share bits from my current WIP, SlavicNovel!}

{Let's talk about me and you because we are all beautiful people :-)}

{Do you reread? Or are you a one-timer? Tell me your methods!}

How was your January? Is your year off to a good start? What plans do you have for the coming month? Share it with me in the comments!


  1. Glad to know you are enjoying Denmark! What's the typical food there? Are Danish pastries actually from Denmark? If so, you've definitely travelled to the dreamiest place!

    Your Scandinavian Crime Fiction class sounds awesome! I wish I could do a popular literature class, but I don't think they are offering anything so out there in my conservative curriculum.

    1. Danish pastries are definitely from Denmark but here they're called Vienna Bread instead! :-) They also eat a lot of dark grainy bread, cheese, and sausages. It's super yummy

  2. Hope you're having a wonderful time there at Denmark :) Also, I can imagine those street conversations. Must be really fun and exciting at the same. Gosh that class is the coolest one ever.

    1. It's really great! I'm so glad I had the chance to take it.

  3. I hope you are having a fabulous time in Denmark. That is one country I have on my to visit list. I have heard that Copenhagen is beautiful.
    I hope you have a great February!

    1. Thank you! It is beautiful, with all the old buildings and colorful houses. If you somehow happen to visit before June, let me know :-P

  4. WOO! I'm glad you're enjoying Denmark!

    And a postcard sounds pretty awesome actually...would you post to Aus?

    Hope you have a fantastic February!

    1. I will post to Aus! I think it costs the same as to the US actually. Send me a twitter DM with your address!

  5. Denmark sounds fun, I wish I was traveling or studying aboard. Love your sister's blog, everything looks delicious.

    1. You should definitely study abroad if you get the chance! And isn't her foodstuff amazing? I'm so sad I'm halfway across the world and can't sample it

  6. Denmark, how awesome!!!! Are you studying abroad? I've always wanted to visit there, Norway, and Sweden. How nice that you have all the bookshops and like your classes and host family! Hope you continue to settle in :)

    1. Yes! I'm studying abroad through June with a program called DIS! Apparently I can get to Malmo, Sweden, on a 30 min ferry ride so that's pretty cool :-) I haven't been there yet. So far, I've stuck to Denmark and am going to visit some towns outside of Copenhagen tomorrow!

  7. Hi Sophia! I'm a new reader of yours and I'm really liking your blog!
    Wow, Denmark! That's so wonderful! I just searched 'Denmark' on Google and now I'm looking at gorgeous photos and wishing I was there discussing Scandinavian Crime Fiction with you in Copenhagen. Do you speak any Danish? Oh, and your Instagram pictures are beautiful and I wish I could take photos like that ;). Anyways, I'm really glad I discovered your blog and I plan to be back soon!

    1. Welcome welcome! I'm so glad you've found me :-)
      I wish you could come discuss Scandinavian Crime Fiction with me too! It is gorgeous here, even though the sky is cloudy and foggy most of the time. I don't speak Danish, but almost everyone here speaks decent English and I'm slowly learning some functional Danish words, so I manage. :-)


Book discussions make the world a better place! Write me a comment - I respond to each and every one, I promise. So check back!

(YES! I LOVE TAGS and I do them! So tag away! But no bloggerly awards, though, like the Liebster or the Sisterhood of World Bloggers. Thank you!)